Templates 04 - Adding functions
Adding functions
In some situations, we might need functions that do not exist in the template package. For these cases, we can map functions into the template.
The first example will use the Repeat function from the strings package.
The Repeat function takes two parameters: the first is a string to be repeated, and the second is an integer that determines how many times that string should be repeated. For example:
func main() {
fmt.Print(strings.Repeat("-", 10))
We can use the repeat function inside our templates as follows:
type Report struct {
ReportName string
ReportYear string
ReportUser string
ReportDivider string
Users []User
type User struct {
Name string
LastName string
Country string
Admin bool
YearsOfExperience int
func main() {
tmplFile := "addf.tmpl"
funcMap := template.FuncMap{
"repeat": strings.Repeat,
users := []User{
{"John", "Doe", "USA", true, 25},
{"Gavin", "Steele", "USA", false, 3},
{"Ashton", "Walsh", "CA", false, 5},
report := Report{
ReportName: "Sales",
ReportYear: "2025",
ReportUser: "Goku",
ReportDivider: "*",
Users: users,
tmpl, err := template.New(tmplFile).Funcs(funcMap).ParseFiles(tmplFile)
if err != nil {
err = tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, report)
if err != nil {
We need to map the functions like this:
funcMap := template.FuncMap{
"repeat": strings.Repeat,
And when parsing the files, we will inject the functions using the Funcs function.
tmpl, err := template.New(tmplFile).Funcs(funcMap).ParseFiles(tmplFile)
With the functions mapped to our template, we can now use them:
Template addf.tmpl
{{ .ReportName }}
{{ repeat "-" 10 }}
This is the output of our program:
We mapped the Repeat function with the name repeat inside the template.
But we could have mapped the Repeat function as func01, for example:
funcMap := template.FuncMap{
"func01": strings.Repeat,
{{ .ReportName }}
{{ func01 "-" 10 }}
We can create our own function and map it to the template, for example:
func Greetings(name, prefix, suffix string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s", prefix, name, suffix)
func main() {
tmplFile := "addf.tmpl"
funcMap := template.FuncMap{
"repeat": strings.Repeat,
"greetings": Greetings,
users := []User{
{"John", "Doe", "USA", true, 25},
{"Gavin", "Steele", "USA", false, 3},
{"Ashton", "Walsh", "CA", false, 5},
report := Report{
ReportName: "Sales",
ReportYear: "2025",
ReportUser: "Goku",
ReportDivider: "*",
Users: users,
tmpl, err := template.New(tmplFile).Funcs(funcMap).ParseFiles(tmplFile)
if err != nil {
err = tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, report)
if err != nil {
{{ .ReportName }}
{{ repeat "-" 10 }}
{{ greetings "Goku" "Hello" "!!!!!" }}
This is the program’s output:
Hello Goku !!!!!
We can use the fields themselves through the data sent to the template as input for the functions:
{{ .ReportName }}{{ "\n" }}
{{- range .Users -}}
{{ repeat $.ReportDivider 10 }}{{ "\n" }}
{{- greetings .Name "Hello" "!!!!!" }}{{ "\n" }}
{{- end -}}
Notice that we access the .ReportDivider field with the $ symbol. This is because at that point we are inside the range and want to access a field that is above the slice. This way, we can access the main scope.
This is the program’s output:
Hello John !!!!!
Hello Gavin !!!!!
Hello Ashton !!!!!